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Twenty years ago, our founders recognized the importance of post-placement care for birthparents. Today, On Your Feet Foundation is recognized as the leader in comprehensive post-placement support for birthparents, a demographic that has historically been under-served within the adoption community. We do this through case management, access to adoption-competent therapy, therapeutic retreats, education and counseling grants, adoption education and community-building. Learn more and find support.

  • Retreats held since 2005


  • Grants Awarded Since 2015


  • Dollars Awarded since 2015


  • Birthparents Accessing Services in 2021


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Navigating open adoption can be difficult, in part because there isn’t a template to follow, or many positive examples of how to navigate the challenges in ways that lead to the best outcomes, so Mary Ellen, a birthmother, and Pauline, an adoptive mother created their own kind of open adoption - filled with trust, love, and friendship.

This is Part II of our incredible interview with Dr. Gretchen Sisson, the author of the new book,Relinquished: The Politics of Adoption and the Privilege of American Motherhood, and our upcoming Activism in Adoption Speaker.

Dr. Gretchen Sisson, upcoming speaker at Activism in Adoption, discusses her new book, Relinquished, and how her decades-long research study and subsequent findings can inform our approach to adoption.

Thank you for recognizing the importance of post-placement support: